Gas Fireplaces
Easy to maintain and operate; gas fireplaces are a clean and energy efficient option for heating your home. Using gas as a heat source means there isn’t messy cleanup from developing soot or ash like wood-fueled fires that also create a by-product called Creosote. Gas fireplaces work with the push of a button so you can enjoy heat on the fly without time consuming clean up. Turn down the central heat for your whole home and focus on the room you use the most with “zone heating” for higher efficiency and a lower heating bill each month. Gas heating is ideal for ease of use and minimal maintenance for your home. Below, you’ll find the manufacturers’ we carry and the more popular models we sell from them. Come into our showroom or contact us for more information on these models or to see more of our selection.American Hearth Gas Fireplaces
American Hearth gas fireplaces are highly efficient and relatively cost-effective compared to other luxury models. Direct Vent systems separate room air from combustion air through a two-pipe vent system.
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